On Tuesday 7th July the PMLD classes from across our Milestone community came together for our annual PMLD Activity day. The students and their parents enjoyed a range of Sensory, ECT, and Physical activities. We focused on our IB Transdisciplinary Theme ‘Who We Are’, as well as thinking about our likes and dislikes; all while celebrating our equality and diversity.
Each PMLD class team provided activities for our students and their families to enjoy.
- Dolphin class activities focused on ‘Our senses tell us about the world’ – a sensory adventure through the biomes of the world.
- Penguin class activities were Sensory trays focused on sight, sound, touch and smell.
- Woodland class activities focused on ‘Who am I?’ – Focus on the sense of sight and touch. Exploring our faces and what makes us unique using mirrors.
- Coast class activities focused on ‘Who are we?’, looking at our likes and dislikes through exploring messy play textures.
- Roman class focused on ‘This is me’ and still me when I am painted with face paints. We were very lucky to have a talented parent come in to do some amazing face painting for us – thank you! I can dress up in lots of different hats, sunglasses but it is still me! They provided a face painting station in our sensory den and also a “photo booth” in the same area.
- Leeds class focused on our transdisciplinary theme ‘Who we are’, focusing on our likes and dislikes when exploring sensory resources. Leeds class also provided indoor sensology sessions, as well as access to switch-activated toys for everyone to explore.
Our lovely PE Lead Steve provided Rebound, ball skills, and a range of other sports activities.
Students from Milestone@Wilmington also came along to support the students and their families, they interacted amazingly well and were very supportive of their younger peers.
A massive thank you to everyone who organised, prepared and attended our event.