The Phase 4 curriculum encompasses all four learning pathways; Brook, Stream and River at our main site and River and Waterfall at our Milestone at Wilmington Post-16 Satellite provision. This allows for each student to access a curriculum which meets their holistic learning needs. Phase 4 recognises that as our students mature, so too must our curriculum. Whilst our focus does not alter in gaining, developing and refining core and academic skills and knowledge, we also recognise that as our students edge closer to embarking away from us into their own lives beyond our school we must support, engage and challenge them to take those skills they have mastered and ensure they can apply them functionally, in real life settings, scenarios and locations.
To complement our curriculum, the co-curriculum provides opportunities to generalise skills and further develop communication, cognitive, personal and social skills. These opportunities include lunch time clubs, recreation, work-based learning/ experience and regular community participation.
The impact of our curriculum is demonstrated by progress within curriculum areas, measured using Brook, M Levels and functional skills frameworks and achievement of provision plan targets. Evidence of learning can be triangulated through exploring online learning journals, individual learning plan recording and accreditation portfolios. The personalised nature of the curriculum allows all students to engage and make progress. All young people will depart Leigh Academy Milestone with an accreditation or examination outcome relevant to their level of learning in preparation to transition to Post-19 education, employment or social care provision.
phase 4 curriculum
Milestone main site
- Pupils accessing the Brook pathway experience profound and multiple learning difficulties. Therefore, they access an individual needs curriculum in which learning targets are interwoven into the pupils’ individual profiles across curriculum areas.
- Pupils may be at very early stages of development therefore it is most appropriate for them to access an individualised curriculum using individual learning plans (ILPs).
- Pupils follow the Brook curriculum framework which is a target setting, assessment and monitoring tool.
- The Brook curriculum framework offers a specialised curriculum in five key skill Areas: Communication, Cognitive Skills, Environmental Control Technology, Social and Emotional Well Being and Physical Skills (Gross and Fine Motor).
- Planning is pupil centred with all targets within a pupil’s ILP developed from the Brook Curriculum framework and in collaboration with Specialist Teaching Services (HI, VI, MSI, Physiotherapist, Occupational) and therapists where appropriate. Parents are invited to contribute to target areas.
- To further enrich learning and support generalisation of skills, students are taught via a three-year transdisciplinary curriculum framework based on the National Curriculum, highly adapted to meet the individual needs of each student.
- Curriculum planning is built around a Transdisciplinary Theme and a strong central idea, enabling students to learn about themselves, other people, and the world around them across a wide range of lines of inquiry.
- Each Pathway follows the same Transdisciplinary Theme. In the Brook pathway, this is incorporated through rich and sensory based learning experiences.
- Learning is inquiry-based, promoting curiosity and enabling a culture of student agency, where students can influence the direction of their learning through exploration and experimentation.
- Sensory activities allow for highly motivating learning engagements and experiences, and enable students to make their own inquiries.
- Based on individual pupil needs, pupils can access specialist learning environments and experiences such as Aqua Learn, interactive room, soft play, Rebound therapy, Rainbow room and therapy room.
- Individual needs such as therapy programs, personal and medical needs are prioritised which ensures that students are ready to learn and achieve.
- Phase 4 pupils from Year 10 work towards achieving accredited courses ASDAN Personal Progress units in English, Maths, enterprise and building towards living with increased independence skills.
- Phase 4 students work towards ASDAN Life Skills Challenges focused on preparation for adulthood.
- Students in Phase 4 participate in business enterprise pathways through carefully considered learning activities which provide opportunities to generalise individual learning targets.
- Pupils follow an individual learning plan to provide highly personalised learning.
- Individual learning plans include the key areas of cognition, communication, functional skills, self help, fine and gross motor skills, social skills and provision plan outcomes.
- Pupils follow the KSENT guidelines for Maths and English.
- Students access specialist lessons delivered by specialist teachers including; P.E, Science and Horticulture.
- Students access on and offsite work based learning opportunities.
- Pupils from Year 10 work towards achieving accredited courses ASDAN Personal Progress units in English, Maths, enterprise and building towards living with increased independence skills.
- Students participate in business enterprise pathways through carefully considered learning activities which provide opportunities to generalise individual learning targets .
- Students work towards ASDAN Life Skills Challenges focused on preparation for adulthood.
- Transdisciplinary themes, central ideas and the IB Learner Profile provide a basis for sensory and functional learning opportunities, providing opportunities for new experiences and the generalisation of learning and skills.
- Recreation clubs are available which consider pupil agency including; football club, Clubbercise, Drama, Music, Arts & Crafts, Well-being and Signing.
- Subjects taught by the class teacher include: English, Maths, PSPD, RSE, Citizenship, Careers, Computing, Independent living and Religion with History, Geography and DT provided through curriculum rationale.
- Students access specialist lessons delivered by specialist teachers including; P.E, Science and Horticulture.
- Students access on and offsite work based learning opportunities.
- Pupils from Year 10 work towards achieving accredited courses ASDAN Personal Progress units in English, Maths, Work related learning and Independent living skills.
- Students work towards ASDAN Life Skills Challenges focused on preparation for adulthood.
- Students participate in business enterprise pathways through carefully considered learning activities which work towards accredited and certificated frameworks.
- Transdisciplinary themes, central ideas and the IB Learner Profile provide a basis for sensory and functional learning opportunities, providing opportunities for new experiences and the generalisation of learning and skills
- Recreation clubs are available which consider pupil agency including; football club, Clubbercise, Drama, Music, Arts & Crafts, Well-being and Signing.
Milestone at Wilmington Academy
- Subjects taught by the class teacher include: English, Maths, PSPD, RSE, Citizenship, Careers, Computing and Independent living.
- Pupils work towards achieving accredited courses ASDAN Personal Progress units in English, Maths, Work related learning and Independent living skills.
- Students work towards ASDAN Life Skills Challenges focused on preparation for adulthood.
- Students participate in business enterprise pathways through carefully considered learning tasks which work towards accredited and certificated frameworks.
- Where appropriate, students access internal work experience across the academy site.
- Students develop independent living skills by accessing Dragons Retreat off-site provision.
- Recreation clubs are available which consider pupil agency including; sport club, film, makeup, cooking and eSports.
- Maths and English follow targets from functional skills framework and exams can be taken in maths, reading, writing, speaking and listening.
- Pupils have the opportunity to take Edexcel exams working between Entry Level 1 and Level 2 (GCSE)
- Pupils choose an individual vocational study programme, such as ASDAN short course in Sport and Performing Arts.
- Students work towards an accreditation in Employability via their chosen Business Enterprise Pathway.
- Where appropriate, students access internal work experience across the academy site.
- Students work towards ASDAN Life Skills Challenges focused on preparation for adulthood.
- Students develop independent living skills by accessing Dragons Retreat off-site provision.
- Recreation clubs are available which consider pupil agency including; sport club, film, makeup, cooking and eSports.