Friends of Milestone

We are a lively group of parents, staff and friends of the Academy who make up the committee of the Friends of Milestone (FOM), charity number 278677.  
We meet regularly to plan fundraising events for the school, please look out for the meeting and event dates on the termly newsletter.
With funds raised by the FOM, in the past few years we have provided:
  • Equipment to support students learning outside the classroom, such planters and wheelchair accessible picnic benches.
  • Visits from a theatre production company who perform shows for all pupils.
  • Support for in-house events and activity days.
  • Contributions towards the year 14 leavers prom
We also host our annual family Christmas disco, run the summer fete and facilitate a celebration gift shopping and wrapping service.

interested in joining us?

We are always seeking enthusiastic and willing parents/friends to join us. If you would like to volunteer please do get in touch with us on our Facebook page or email