The Dog Mentor Programme

Leigh Academy Milestone is proud to be a Dog Mentor Affiliated School. The Dog Mentor programme has built upon the benefits of the human-animal bond by providing children positive experiences with dogs that can help them educationally, developmentally, emotionally and socially.

Over the last nine years The Dog Mentor programme has been proven to have a positive impact on children in all areas including self-esteem, behaviour, peer relationships and better engagement skills. These improvements then result in improved academic achievement.

Here at Milestone, we envisage that The Dog Mentor Programme will bring a positive influence into the school environment as a whole and we look forward to the impact The Dog Mentor programme will have on our children. The dogs have completed full training and our staff will continue to work with Toffee, Fudge, Harper, and Betty in order to ensure that the welfare of everyone involved is maintained as a top priority.

You can find out more about the Dog Mentor Programme here: 

Dog Mentor Blog

Look at all the fun things Harper gets up to when she’s not at school! She loves to sleep, play ‘Doggy in the window’, eat yummy sausages, being silly and sitting on bags and even taking the train!

Betty gets up to all sorts on her ‘days off’! She loves to get out and about, but equally loves to get home, catch up on her tv shows, snuggle up for a snooze and even enjoys a bit of gaming!