Milestone Students at SquarePegs Art

Kent Album Project

A group of Milestone Students joined with SquarePegs Arts for the Kent Album Project. This involved 13 SEND schools from 13 districts across Kent taking part in a songwriting workshop with Paul Richards, the musical director for SquarePegs to write a song from scratch that related to their district. Our students then went to a professional recording studio in the area to record their parts for the song and then attended a launch event for the album in November.

It was really inspiring for students to be a part of a project of this scale and they have been so excited to learn that their song and voices can be found on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music and all good streaming platforms. Milestone are Track 7 “A Seven Sided Diamond in the Rough”

Since launch the Kent Album Project has been covered by ITV News and the album itself is going to continue being promoted by SquarePegs